Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Playing in the Mud(box)

I've gone on a spree of trying out new softwere this week... And here's the current result...

I hope to be making some boots to go with the three bits too, though this obviously is slightly more of a task than the hat, my first Mesh item.
I think the mesh should translate fine into a sculpty (Theres no need for weighting on a hat anyway, I just did it for a bit of implimentation of method :3) so they might turn up on Inworldz but the texture parts certainly will.
For how I like to work I really hope Inworldz will have mesh one day, I know they focus on stability before thrills but mesh for me is a really important way of bringing 3d realms based on the LL tech to compete. that and they are a lot easier to work with than sculpts! (Now we only need the Normal Maps to get implimented too... Hopefully they won't take so long about this!)

I'll probably end up releasing this in some different colours, all of it is a bit mismached (The drawback of it being a outfit made while I was still unsure on what I was doing :D ) but I think it adds to that 70's ish look, it's always a little odd when textures match perfectly anyway :D And certainly this outfit cannot be faulted on lack of texture or near perfect seams, ah the seams... I love mudbox to bits, it is revolutionising cloth design for me, and hopefully it will be very useful for my skin projects too. However I have an issue with the mapping on the head where it 'skips' about, I'm not sure how to fix it, but when I can... Then we'll be in business.